Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m.
Masks are available at the door for those who would like one.
We ask that if you are not feeling well to stay home until you are better.
Communion will be provided at the in-person Sunday Service
by Sharing of the Cup or Priestly Intinction.
Contact us for the Sunday 10:00 a.m. Zoom Link to join live worship.
For the Weekly Recorded Sermon go HERE
For the Sunday Readings go HERE
Please let the Office know if you would like Offering Envelopes.
Baptismal and Confirmation Sponsorship
Through Holy Baptism we become a child of God, a member of Christ, and an inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven.
What does that mean? How do we live it out?
Baptismal Sponsor’s help families prepare for the service of Holy Baptism by answering questions, introducing them to other parishioners, and supporting them on the special day. The hope is that the Sponsors will maintain contact with the family and encourage them to take part in the life of St. Leonard's. This is a growing ministry in our Parish in that it helps families and individuals grow in their faith.
In order to help those who have received Communion to be Confirmed into the Anglican Church, a course is offered, as needed, for anyone 12 years of age or older. We will also be taking some short trips to experience worship in other churches in Red Deer as part of the confirmation experience and preparation.