Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m.
Masks are available at the door for those who would like one.
We ask that if you are not feeling well to stay home until you are better.
Communion will be provided at the in-person Sunday Service
by Sharing of the Cup or Priestly Intinction.
Contact us for the Sunday 10:00 a.m. Zoom Link to join live worship.
For the Weekly Recorded Sermon go HERE
For the Sunday Readings go HERE
Please let the Office know if you would like Offering Envelopes.
Parish Council
Parish Council is made up of elected members of the congregation, and two appointed members. The Rector's/Incumbent's Warden is appointed, along with the Parish Treasurer. Council members are elected for alternating two year terms to provide a consistency in overlapping years. Members attend the meetings of the Parish Council and participate in the deliberations at such meetings. All Parish Council meetings are open to all members of the Parish, and everyone is invited and encouraged to attend, to listen, and to voice opinions. They converse about the issues of the Parish and represent the best interests of the Parishioners and the Parish in all matters that come before Council for decision, and participate in the execution and implementation of decisions made by the Council or the Parishioners. Parish Council meets on the third Tuesday of the month, unless otherwise noted, at 7:00 pm.
Parish Council Members 2024/2025
Rector's Warden
Assistant Rector's Warden
People's Warden
Assistant People's Warden
Council Members:
Parish Council Minutes
Parish Council Meeting Minutes are available upon request by St. Leonard's on the Hill Anglican Church Parishioners.