Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m.
Masks are available at the door for those who would like one.
We ask that if you are not feeling well to stay home until you are better.
Communion will be provided at the in-person Sunday Service
by Sharing of the Cup or Priestly Intinction.
Contact us for the Sunday 10:00 a.m. Zoom Link to join live worship.
For the Weekly Recorded Sermon go HERE
For the Sunday Readings go HERE
Please let the Office know if you would like Offering Envelopes.
Holy Eucharist Service with
The Book of Alternative Services
This Service starts at 10:00 am every Sunday and includes Sunday School and Nursery (tentative). This service has choir music that is played during the service. This Service has a sermon and we celebrate other great Christian days such as Harvest Thanksgiving, All Souls and Saint Day, Christmas and Easter.
Our service consist of psalms, bible readings, and prayers. The readings & psalms change each Sunday. The Book of Alternative Services is used. This service is done by powerpoint on screens, so new-comers and parishioners can easily follow the service.
This Service is very welcoming and God-centred. The Nursery (tentative) and Sunday School run during this service until after the Offertory when the children return to join their families.