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Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m.
Masks are available at the door for those who would like one.
We ask that if you are not feeling well to stay home until you are better.
Communion will be provided at the in-person Sunday Service
by Sharing of the Cup or Priestly Intinction.
Contact us for the Sunday 10:00 a.m. Zoom Link to join live worship.
For the Weekly Recorded Sermon go HERE
For the Sunday Readings go HERE
Please let the Office know if you would like Offering Envelopes.
Young Adults
The St. Leonard’s Young Adults group is a group that graduated from high school to age 30 that meet once a month on the last Thursday from 7-9 pm.
If you cannot come then, don’t worry, it is not a big deal.
You are more than welcome to join us when you can or for some of our scheduled fun events. Some of our fun events will include a trip out to the Corn Maze (in the dark), pool, a night of Mystery and many others. Keep tabs on our Calendar and Facebook page for upcoming events and contact us to let us know you are interested in joining in the fun!
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